Create an Event on Facebook – Facebook Events | Add Event on Facebook

Create an Event on Facebook: Facebook as a social media giant has made it easier for users to connect with friends, family and also business colleagues. With all the amazing updates on Facebook, you can now Create an event on Facebook.Create an Event on Facebook - Facebook Events

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Facebook Events are temporary pages for upcoming parties or social gatherings, where you can invite other people on Facebook. You can create an event on Facebook both on the to which you can invite other people on Facebook. You can create an event on both the mobile version and the desktop version of Facebook.

When you Create an event on Facebook, it serves as a platform to bring your friends, family, and associates together with these Facebook Events. Facebook events also enable you to connect with your audience and empower them to spend time together in the real world.

Facebook Events | About Facebook Events Feature

The Facebook events feature is a feature on Facebook which enables Facebook users to Create an event on Facebook, add event on Facebook and also promote events in general. Some of the Facebook events you may be familiar with include marriages, birthdays, anniversary and so much more.

Creating an event on Facebook gives you the opportunity to promote an item on your Facebook page and also to publicize just about any event. These Facebook events can last for one or two hours or several months, as well as recurring events.

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When users make use of the Facebook events feature, it can save them a lot of money and time used in planning or sending invitations for an event. You can Create an event on Facebook, and invite all the guests you want to be in attendance at your Facebook event all at the same time.

And while you add event on Facebook and post it, you can do this all at the comfort of your home. Once you add event on Facebook, it can be a social gathering like community or online events.

Types of Facebook Events | Create an Event on Facebook

While creating an event on Facebook, it is important to note that they are about three types of Facebook Events, The private event, public and the group event. We will be explaining how the various Facebook events work below:

  • Create Private Event – Creating a private event makes a Facebook-only event that only invited people can access. The maximum guests you are allowed to have per event in a private event is 500. And if you feel this number is too small for your event, you can allow anyone you invite to invite their friends.
  • Create Public Event – This is the type of Facebook events that are made public, and anyone can have access to it, including people who don’t even have Facebook accounts.
  • Create Group Event – This allows you to select a group that you own as the invitee base. This group event will lock the event to anyone that is not in the group that you select.

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Create an Event on Facebook – Facebook Events

Creating an event on Facebook is not as difficult as you may think, just follow the steps below to know how to create an event on Facebook or how to add event on Facebook. To Create a public or private event:

  1. Click on Events in the left menu of your Facebook News Feed.
  2. Click + Create Event on the left side.
  3. Then click to choose between a private or public event. If you’re creating a public event, you can also set the event’s host as yourself or a page you manage. Just know that you’ll not be able to change the privacy settings once you’ve created the event.
  4. Fill in the event name, the details, location and time.
  5. If you’re creating a public event, you can also:
    • Add multiple dates and times
    • Select a category for your event
    • Add keywords about your event
    • Add a link to a ticketing website for your event
  6. If you click on private event, you will be required to fill information like an event photo or video, an event name, a theme, event location, time, date and also some description about the event.
  7. Once you fill out the necessary information, Click Create.

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After successfully creating an event on Facebook or add event on Facebook, you’ll then be taken to your event where you can invite guests, upload photos, share posts and also edit event details. Note that only Pages can add multiple dates and times to an event for now.