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Facebook Shop – Selling On Facebook | How to Create a Facebook Shop Page

Facebook Shop: If you’ve got a Facebook page, then you can use your Facebook Shop to sell your products and services. Most Facebook users are into lots of Facebook Shopping, and you can use the platform to get more customers and also interact with several business owners.

All you need to get started is a facebook account, a Facebook Page and then a Facebook Shop. This Facebook shopping section is added to your Facebook business page. This makes it easier for you to get the product and services you sell on Facebook listed, while you get connected with more customers on Facebook.

Facebook shopping has made online shopping easy. And the use of Facebook shop also simplifies the way you reach the target population of the products and services you sell on Facebook. The Facebook shopping section is also very visible on your Facebook Page, making it easy and fast for your Facebook customers to browse through your products and collections. And this instantly connects you with your customers.

Facebook Shop | How to Sell on Facebook

If you have been having problems selling your products, setting up a Facebook shop may just be what you need. Selling on Facebook has never been made so simple. With the number of users who visit the social media site daily, you are sure to make good sales if you know how to sell on Facebook.

For you to know how to sell on Facebook, then you must be at least use to the basics of Facebook. Here are some easy steps for you to know how to sell on Facebook:

  • Start with opening a Facebook account.
  • Set up a Facebook page for the business you want to run on Facebook.
  • Then add a Facebook Shop tab to your Facebook business page. (I’ll show you below on how you can add a Facebook shopping tab to your Facebook business page).

How to Sell On Facebook | Selling On Facebook

Once you are able to set this up, you should then be able to start selling on Facebook. To make your products appealing, always ensure to use a good camera to take pictures of your goods, and post buyers review also.

Most Facebook shoppers will only shop from a Facebook Shop they trust or shop that is recommended to them. So, always try to leave a good impression on your customers.

Another point you should note on selling on Facebook is to always deliver what you promised or advertised. Sell authentic products, and more customers will patronize you.

Facebook has become a media giant in recent times and can boast of more than half a billion daily users to the platform. This means half a billion potential customers who may be Facebook shopping to buy your goods or services.

This also means that your Facebook shop stands a chance of being seen by millions of Facebook users around the world. This is why more online marketers are continually using Facebook for marketing, to make their product seen and felt.

Unique Features of Facebook Shop | Facebook Shopping

Facebook shop since its inception has continued to increase sales with the aid of mobile support, free promotion tools and more. All this has resulted in increases for young business people on the platform. The Facebook team designed the Facebook Shop with the Facebook user in mind. This means a user can sell right from his/her mobile device.

The Facebook shop is designed in an easy way. Which enables users to add their products to Facebook with just a click. This makes it possible for images, product details and also inventory to be automatically synced the moment an update is made. Using Facebook Shop, your buyers will have a personalized Facebook Shopping experience and even come back next time.

As your buyers are Facebook Shopping, they can buy your product directly with just a chat, and their orders tracked in real time. This makes it easy for you to instantly connect with your buyers.

Unique Features of Facebook Shop or Facebook Shopping

Here are some of the unique features of the Facebook Shop or Facebook shopping;

  • With your own Facebook creative shop, you can easily sort your wares into different sections, making it simpler for customers browsing through your shop.
  • With Facebook shopping, buyers can easily go through and buy your products without leaving the Facebook page once you’ve added the products. All orders made via Facebook shopping can also be marked as shipped, cancel or refund orders right out of your Facebook page.
  • Facebook creative shop enables you to add products and the product information, without a product catalogue. This means that there’s simply no limit to the number of products you can add to your shop.
  • With a Facebook shopping section, the product you sell also stands a greater chance of appearing in the Facebook marketplace, when makes more people see them.
  • With your Facebook creative shop, you can also chat or communicate directly with your customers right out of your Facebook page.

The Facebook shop is a necessary marketing tool for merchants, retail and eCommerce advertisers alike who are looking to grow their brands, make more sales or take it to the next level. Using Facebook creative shop is free and easy to earn from. Also, Facebook takes no percentage of the sales generated from your Facebook shop. So get started on your Facebook shop today, and take your business to the next level.

How To Add a Facebook Shop Section to Your Business Page | Facebook Shopping

Before you can create a Facebook Shop, you will first need a Facebook account or be logged in your Facebook account. Once you are logged in to your Facebook account, follow the process below to know how to add a Facebook shop section to your business page.

  1. First, go to your Facebook Business page and click on settings.
  2. Tap on the edit page and click on add a tab icon to add your Facebook shop tab.
  3. Then select the shop option from the list displayed by clicking on the add tab icon.
  4. Once you have added the Facebook shopping tab, click on the shop tab to set up your payments options.

After setting up your payment options, you can then add your products to the shop. You can also use a description section to tell your buyers what your company is selling on Facebook.

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