Twitter Search: Twitter Advanced Search | Twitter

Twitter Search is a tool which allows you to search tweets by given search terms, with a location as an optional property. The search Twitter will only retrieve tweets from the previous seven days.

There are different ways to Search Twitter for the information you need, you can find Tweets from yourself, friends, local businesses, well-known entertainers to global political leaders when you search for topic keywords or hashtags, where you can follow an ongoing conversation on breaking news or personal interests.

But in order to keep your Twitter search results relevant, Twitter filters all search results for quality Tweets and accounts. Any material that jeopardizes search Twitter quality or creates a bad search experience for other users may be removed automatically from Twitter search. features a decent internal search box and a more advanced Twitter search tool. Both can be used to search Twitter, but have limitations. One of the major limitations is that they don’t go far back in time. For example, if you want to search tweets sent six months ago or last year, To search tweets sent six months ago or last year, you’ll need a third-party Twitter search tool.

Search Twitter: Twitter Search Tools

Here are some search twitter tools which are quite good supplements to the internal Twitter search tool;


SocialMention is one of the most powerful ways to search Twitter and also analyze informations posted on Twitter and other social media. Social Mention monitors a lot more than Twitter, and also searches other platforms like: Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube and Digg, to name just a few.


Topsy prides itself as a “real-time search for the social Web.” Topsy search twitter a lot farther back in time, even all the way to 2008.


Twinitor is a real-time Twitter search service which lets you monitor what people are tweeting about. This search Twitter service has a user interface focused on searching tweets, topics and other people using Twitter.


Monitter is quite similar to Twinitor. It searches messages sent on Twitter. And also lets you monitor particular keywords and tailor your results by location.


TwitScoop lets you do keyword searches. Click on “search” on its home page and you can try an alternative way to search tweets.


The SnapBird Twitter search box has a pulldown menu which lets you filter your tweet searches by ,say, a particular person’s timeline, or tweets that a particular person has sent or marked as a “favorite.” This search Twitter tool allows more targeted searching than Twitter’s search box does.


TweetMeme is a popular site for tracking what happens on the Twittersphere. It attempts to measure hot topics and popular themes in tweets using various formulas that analyze “social signals” like retweets.