Survivor 2016: Michaela Bradshaw voted off the new Ikabula tribe

Survivor 2016 player Michaela Bradshaw was voted out of the reality TV game during Wednesday night’s broadcast of Episode 7 on the CBS Network.

Survivor 2016 player Michaela, 25 in vacation club sales and from Fort Worth, TX, was the seventh castaway to be voted out of Survivor Season 33 on Night 20 at the seventh Tribal Council session of the game.

Michaela from the new Ikabula tribe, which features a mix of Gen Xers and millennials, had to vote out one of their teammates after losing the Immunity Challenge to the opposing Vanua tribe and Takali tribe.

Following her elimination from the Survivor 2016, Michaela said…

“I’m pretty pissed off. I think it was the dumbest decision. My focus was the end and we’re not even at the merge.”

“Had [Justin “Jay” Starrett] been able to control his paranoia, this group of four would’ve made it to the end and we would’ve run this thing together and somebody would’ve walked away with a million. But oh well, I’m going to get rich somewhere.”

The group of four Michaela is talking about consisted of Jay, a 27-year-old real estate agent from Fort Lauderdale, FL; Will Wahl, an 18-year-old high school student from Long Valley, NJ; and also Hannah Shapiro, a 24-year-old barista from West Hollywood, CA. On the outside of the Ikabula tribe were

Others on the outside of the new Ikabula tribe were Gen Xers Sunday Burquest, a 45-year-old youth pastor from Ostego, MN, and Bret LaBelle, a 42-year-old police sergeant from Dedham, MA.

The broadcast of The Survivor 2016 started on Night 18 at the new Takali’s camp.

After voting out Jessica “Figgy” Figueroa on the Survivor 2016, Adam wanted to talk to Taylor about it. Taylor was frustrated about the vote and said that Figgy gave him comfort, she was is light and also brought energy and spirit to the tribe.

About the vote, Adam explained that the vote was “a lose-lose situation” for him and that he went for the plan that seemed the “least bad.” He also admitted that he lied and screwed Taylor over, which made him feel bad. Later, he told the cameras he put himself in a way to move on with the Gen Xers.

Although Taylor didn’t really show it, but he clearly angry at Adam and also hoped to have his revenge on him.

In a confessional, Taylor said of Adam… “I will destroy you.”

A genuine alliance was formed on Day 19 on the Vanua tribe. The alliance comprised of Zeke Smith, Michelle Schubert, Chris Hammons and David Wright.

David noted that Michelle would be the next to go if the tribe went for another Tribal Council. But he “wouldn’t put it past Chris” so as to pull a fast one on him and take him out. David felt like he and Zeke had a tighter bond than he did with Chris since they were both “cut from the same cloth.”

David in hopes to solidify his trust with Zeke decided to share information. David told him about his hidden Immunity Idol and begged him not to tell anyone.

Zeke who also felt close to David also planned to take care of his life in the game.

It was also another time for the three tribes to gather together for a Reward Challenge with Survivor host Jeff Probst.

While he welcomed everyone, Survivor Host announced that Figgy was the last person that was voted out of the game. The news sparked a mix of reactions, with Michaela having a big, sinister smile on her face, which Jeff Probst called her out on.

For the Reward Challenge, each tribe will have to work together to unwind and release three balls. And after shooting the balls into a basket and pushing them through a rope tunnel, they also had to attempt to land all three balls on a perch. The first two tribes to finish the challenge would win Reward. The first-place tribe would receive its very own personal chef, who would whip them up chicken, garlic shrimp,

The first and second tribes to finish will win the challenge and also win Reward. The Reward for the first tribe would be a personal chef, who would whip up chicken, garlic shrimp, salad, and cheesecake back at camp for them. And the second tribe would win kabobs to cook for themselves. Since Ikabula had two extra players, the tribe decided to sit out Bret and Sunday.

The Ikabula tribe had to sit out Bret and Sunday since they had two extra players. Vanua ended up winning first place, while Takali claimed second in a close race.

The first tribe to win was the Vanua, with the Takali coming second in a close race.

On Day 20 at Ikabula’s camp, Michaela told the cameras that she was the strongest girl on her tribe. Since there were four millennials and two Gen Xers on this tribe, the millennials agreed that Sunday or Bret would go next.

Hannah voiced her concerns to the rest of the millennials that she has doubts about Bret’s occupation. She said that He walked and talked like a Boston cop.

Bret hated lying to his teammates about being a funeral director but felt lying was better since cops don’t do well o The Survivor. Everyone also agreed with Hannah and based on his own observations, Jay noted that Bret was “too funny and lively” to be a funeral director.

For the next Immunity Challenge, the three tribes met with Jeff again.

The Survivor 2016 Host Jeff instructed each tribe to race to throw coconuts into a net. And that once the net was heavy enough, a flag would drop, which will reveal a set of numbers. These revealed numbers will then be used in a combination to release a key, and the key will finally unlock a slingshot. The tribes will also then fire sandbags from their slingshots in an attempt to knock down numerous targets.

For this challenge, The Ikabula Tribe decided to sit Hannah and Will out.

During the challenge, Michelle had some trouble in figuring out the combination since there were six available possibilities. Jay even asked her to switch, but she refused and wanted to get it done by herself. Zeke even had worried that she was having a meltdown and she wasted a lot of time.

The Takali tribe won first, with the Vanua tribe coming second.

Since the Ikabula tribe lost, Jay said that they needed to decide if Bret or Sunday was going home. Jay felt Bret was the better option to go home since he may be lying and couldn’t be trusted.

Back at the Ikabula camp, Michaela and her alliance of millennials sat down in the sand while she revealed her whole gameplan of votes and alliances through to the end of the game. She even used seashells and rocks to represent each player and said that the millennials would always have the numbers.

Michaela then told Will, Jay, and Hannah that they should be the Final 4 alliance. The millennials then agreed to divide their votes 2-2 for Bret and Sunday in case any of them had a hidden Immunity Idol. The girls were to vote for Bret and the boys for Sunday. And if on a re-vote, Bret would be the one to go home.

While in this conversation, Jay, however, realized how dangerous and smart Michaela was. He figured that it would be a problem to enter the merge with Michaela, who was also good in Immunity Challenges.

Jay then talked to Will about voting Michaela out instead and he accepted. Will said that Michaela was thinking too far into the game and that everything she said was thought out “methodically.”

The guys did not want to vote her out since she had a good vibe at camp and that she was also trustworthy. They also had to determine what move was best for their games. On the other hand, Michaela also knew about Jay’s hidden Immunity Idol.

While Jay said Bret and Sunday would vote out Michaela with them, he also said that it would be smart to hide the plan from Hannah since she might just “freak out.”

That night at Tribal Council, Michaela said that all the six members of the tribe were trustworthy and truly liked each other. She also admitted that the whole members of the tribe would’ve taken over the game come the merge had they not been forced to Tribal Council.

On the other hand, Sunday and Bret knew they were on the outs with the millennials, even when they tried to persuade them otherwise.

Every one of them also agreed that the next person to go home would also make the tribe stronger going forward.

While reading the votes, The Survivor 2016 Host Jeff revealed the votes in the order as: Bret, Bret, Michaela, Michaela, Michaela, and Michaela.

Michaela was surprised and yelled, “What?!” She then looked at Jay and asked, “Did you do that?!”

“Yeah. I did it,” Jay said. “Sorry.”

“I did not do that,” Hannah insisted.

“Jay. Damn Jay, you just f-cked up,” Michaela said.

Hannah, on the other hand, had no idea on what just happened.

“You’re going to feel like an asshole,” Michaela told Jay. “You F-cked up something good, bro.”

Survivor host Jeff then pointed out that the person preaching trust the most was the one blindsided.

The closing credits of the episode later revealed that Hannah and Michaela voted for Bret, while everyone else voted out Michaela from the Survivor 2016