Jimmy Kimmel Halloween Candy Challenge: “I ate your Halloween candy video”

Jimmy Kimmel Halloween candy challenge for 2016 is so funny, and all shades of cute. These kids were beyond devastated, and their reactions were sooo cute.Jimmy Kimmel Halloween Candy Challenge: "I ate your Halloween candy video"

 Jimmy Kimmel Halloween candy challenge

Jimmy Kimmel is a talk show host, and he has once again inspired parents across America to lie to their kids about their Halloween candies and make them cry.

This is the sixth year in a row,and Jimmy Kimmel has aired the results of his ‘I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy’ video challenge.

The Parents send in videos where they announce to their kids that they eat all of the chocolates and lollies they collected through trick or treating.

There were tantrums, tears by the devastated kids and some even threw a couple of punches. But for some, their reactions was just heartwarming, with some who were quick to forgive and forget.

Watch the hilarious Jimmy Kimmel Halloween candy challenge video below:

Jimmy Kimmel I Ate Your Halloween Candy 2016

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