How to Create a Playlist on Spotify

There are various streaming sites where one can listen to all their favorite tracks, with Spotify being one of the music giants. Here, you will learn how to create a playlist on Spotify. Everyone, in one way or another, is interested in the world of music and the magic it brings.

How to Create a Playlist on Spotify

Even better, one can create a playlist to help them categorize all their most-listened-to and favorite songs in one section. That way, one can easily access this group of songs. Still, playlists can be created for various reasons, and it all depends on what your musical preferences are.

In addition, Spotify playlists are one of the best ways to get all your favorite musical preferences grouped in a single location. If you stream music on this music streaming site, then you are going to learn how you can create a playlist on Spotify.

How to Create a Spotify Playlist on Your Mobile Device

Whether you use an Android device or an iOS device, you can still create a Spotify playlist on your mobile device. Creating a Spotify playlist with your mobile phone is easier than creating one on a PC. Here is how you can create a Spotify playlist on your mobile app:

  • First, you will launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.
  • You will then proceed to the Your Library page.
  • Next, click the plus icon on the top right side of the page.
  • Tap on “Playlist” in the menu that you will see at the bottom of the page.
  • You will then be asked to name your new intended playlist.
  • Once you have typed in a name you like, click CREATE.
  • With that done, you have successfully created a playlist on Spotify.
  • Proceed to click on the “Add Songs” button to start looking for songs you wish to add to the playlist.

If you want an alternative, you can also decide to visit the Browse tab and start searching for songs there. Then, you will tap the ellipses next to it and click on Add to Playlist in the menu.

How to Create a Spotify Playlist on Your PC

If you would prefer to use the PC to create a Spotify playlist, it is still possible to do so using the desktop version. However, the process could be quite different from a mobile device’s. Here’s how to create a Spotify playlist using your PC:

  • When you get to Spotify, click the “Create Playlist” button in the left sidebar.
  • Once you’ve done that, a new playlist will be formed.
  • If you want to change the name, simply click the Name button.
  • You can now add a description and upload a cover picture there.
  • Click on “Save” once you are done.

If you now want to add songs to your playlist, you can follow the same steps as on a mobile device. You can simply use the search bar under “Let’s find something for your playlist” to look up songs. Once you’ve found something you like, you tap the Add button to the right of it.

How Do I Make a Blend Playlist on Spotify?

There is another type of playlist that can be created on Spotify, and it is called the Blend playlist. This type of playlist is where you combine music from you and other people that you add to the playlist.

Even more, the type of music that is added to the said playlist depends on what the user is listening to currently. Also, a Blend playlist can only be created on a mobile device. Here’s how to create a blended playlist on Spotify:

  • First, you will visit “Your Library” on the Spotify app.
  • Click on the plus icon on the top right side of the page.
  • Select Blend
  • Next, you will tap the invite button and use one of the sharing options to send a link to a friend.
  • Once the other person joins your Blend, you will be able to see their songs appear in the created playlist.

You can also choose to add more people to the Blend playlist by clicking the Add person icon at the top of the playlist. Then, you will select “Invite More” to send another link out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I combine playlists on Spotify?

You can combine playlists on Spotify, and it is easy to do so. If you use an iOS or Android device, you can also move songs individually from one playlist to another.

If you are using the desktop app, you can also select all the songs in one playlist, right-click on them, and add them to another playlist. You can do this by clicking “Add to Playlist.”

How Many Playlists Can You Create on Spotify?

You can create as many playlists on Spotify as possible. You can create a large number of playlists, even counting up to a thousand.

Can I make a playlist private on Spotify?

You can create a playlist on Spotify and even make it private. If you want to make your playlist visible, you can do so very soon. You can visit your Spotify account and open the playlist.

Click the triple-dot button under the playlist’s name. You will be directed to the Play button. Finally, you can select either “Make public” or “Make private.” You can decide to change its status to “private.”