Coinflipper – Four Actors Required To Star In Tropfest Short Film

Coinflipper is a Tropfest Short film. One female and three males are needed to star in this Short film.

The filming of this short film will begin on the 29th and 30th of October (the dates may change). Interested actors are required to submit a photo of themselves and a showreel if possible.

The selected applicants will then proceed to the auditions where the final parts of the short film will be selected. Any previous acting experience is preferred but not compulsory.

The roles for Coinflipper are unpaid, but the actors will be rewarded with professional headshots for their portfolios and also showreels. Actors will also get a chance to star in Tropfest 2016!

Coinflipper (protagonist)

The protagonist of Coinflipper is cool and collected. He is able to portray himself confidently yet optimistically throughout the short film despite the situation he is in. His principal skill is in making use of the laws of probability to win his bets.


This role for the protagonist requires a younger looking adult male who is slick, clean, and also portrays a natural sense of confidence.

  • The actor should be Male, aged 22 to 33 from Victoria, Australia
  • A Minimum Acting experience: No previous acting experience
  • The Language is English

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Conjob (antagonist)

Conjob is the antagonist. He is confident and collected and also a conniving liar with a deceptive nature. Conjob is the underling of the owner of a gambling establishment. He makes use of dirty tactics to win his bets all under the guise of the rules.

  • Males, aged between 20 to 40 years from Victoria, Australia
  • A Minimum Acting experience: No previous acting experience
  • The Language is English

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Wayne Sappy

The character is the moderator and servant that offers drinks and also quotes the rules during the game. Wayne is very talkative and also tries to be obedient to the gambling establishment in which he works. This character comes across as annoying.

  • The character is an older gentleman
  • Males, aged between 45 to 75 from Victoria, Australia
  • A Minimum Acting experience: No previous acting experience
  • The Language is English

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This character is the proprietor of the gambling establishment. Selah is a confident and intelligent woman who takes delights in swindling gamblers out of their possessions. She can also become flustered if her intelligence is challenged in a conversation.

  • The character is a middle aged women that is able to reflect class and confidence.
  • Females, between the ages of 30 to 50 from Victoria, Australia
  • A Minimum Acting experience: No previous acting experience
  • The Language is English

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Applications close: 9 October 2016