The Bachelor in Paradise has finally come to an end. The season finale of the second half of the Bachelor in Paradise aired Tuesday, and it just put last season’s to shame.
And why’s that? this time, fans of this Reality TV Shows in The United States got to watch not one, not two, but three couples get engaged after just a few weeks of dating in Mexico.
Evan and Carly may not have had the most conventional path to romance in the TV show, but the morning after their Fantasy Suite date, They woke up as happy as ever together. Carly even thought Evan’s terrible rapping skills are funny. That’s love guys.
Evan: Carly’s changed my life by accepting every parts of me.
She really has. Man boobs and everything!
After going out to pick out an engagement ring with Neil Lane, it was finally the time for Evan to pop the question.

The proposal happened on the beach. Evan and Carly said lines like “I feel like my heart beats to your soul” and “You make me want to be fearless.” But nothing, practically topped Evan’s actual proposal.
Evan: Carly Waddell, will you freaking marry me?!
Yea. That really happened. Which is actually really cute and sweet.

That said, Carly said yes! these two make a really cute couple.
Grant woke up in the Fantasy Suite feeling all “weird in a bad way,” which is probably not the best way to feel the morning before proposing to your future wife.
Meanwhile, Lace started crying in the TV show because she did’nt have an idea on what Grant was planning on doing.
Lace: Why did we get matching tattoos if we’re just going to wake up the next morning and question if we’re going to get engaged or not???
Now that’s an excellent question, Lace.

Not minding his hesitations, Grant still went ahead and picked out an engagement ring with Neil Lane on The Bachelor in Paradise anyway. And then it was finally time for him to make up his mind.
Spoiler alert: Grant still proposed, and she said yes, so go figure.

The couple woke up in the Fantasy Suite feeling really great.
Nick: It’s truly amazing what private alone time does for a relationship.
Although Nick had been kinda lukewarm about the relationship leading up to this point, Jen said she already felt closer to him more than ever and could even see a proposal happening.
Nick apparently did too maybe, since he went to pick out a ring with Neil Lane.

Neil Lane: How many times am I going to see you again?!
Nick: Hopefully never, ha-ha!
I guess Neil Lance is going to be seeing him in a few months when he’s filming The Bachelor.
When Nick and Jen reunited at the beach for the fateful moment later that day, however, things took quite a turn.
Jen: I’ve fallen in love with you, and I want to continue to fall if you are willing to catch me.
Nick: cries
That was really painfully in an awkward way. Nick went on to tell Jen that even on The Bachelor In paradise that though he wanted to tell her he was in love with her, something in his heart would not allow him, and was even telling him it was time to say goodbye.
Nick: My biggest fear is that I am going to regret it. I just feel like you deserve much better than me.
*a long, awkward silence*
Jen: K.
Yea, she actually said “K” No joke.
Then the two walked away together crying, said goodbye and even left in separate cars.
Josh and Amanda’s Fantasy Suite date went really perfect. That wasn’t a big surprise since these two had already been sleeping in the same bed on the TV show for quite some time.
That said, Josh started to raise some of his concerns about moving into a proposal on the TV show, namely regarding the fact that Amanda has two daughters whom he wants to be considerate of minding how quick their relationship was going.

Josh: On the day I was proposing last time, I had reservations and I definitely do not want to make the mistakes I made in the past.
Of course, he ended up proposing to Amanda Dorfman, and she said yes!
Josh: It’s so pretty on you. There’s diamonds everywhere! Sweeeet!
Josh: This is the best woman in the world. Seriously. Like, there is no better woman. None. Ever.
Amanda: You’re the sweetest. You’re perfect. You’re like, my dream guy. sweet

The best part in all? All three engaged couples are also still happily together and very busy planning their weddings.
See you next summer!