The Flash Season 3 – Episode 2 Review: ‘Paradox’

Also, in this episode of The Flash Season 3, we were introduced to a new villain, Dr. Alchemy. Dr. Alchemy appears to be a different type of villain from the past two seasons of The Flash big bads.

We were also introduced to Julian Albert, who is also known as Malfoy to the Harry Potter fans. Julian who is played by Tom Felton, also known for his role as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, is shown as a new workplace antagonist to Barry Allen. Albert is “the best” CSI has, according to Cisco and Caitlin. He despises Allen, because he “can’t be trusted.” This is quite an assessment since Barry at least comes clean to his friends about the whole Flashpoint fiasco, which didn’t appear to be a big deal in the end.

By the end of the episode, Iris and Joe are back on speaking terms. Cisco who also lost his brother, Dante, in a drunken driving accident wasn’t as resentful as he was towards Barry at the beginning, which is progress!

Caitlin who is one of the characters that Barry thinks has not been drastically affected by the Flashpoint has got frost powers. This leads us to wonder if there is a Killer Frost around the surface, or if Caitlin will use her super powers for good.

As Alchemy appears to be The Flash new super-villain, Barry takes him down once again with the help of his friends. Rival also goes to Iron Heights, which didn’t keep him safe from Alchemy, who still shows up despite the defenses in the prison.

For Edward Clariss, the future doesn’t look bright. He wasn’t killed on camera, but he’s most likely a goner.

For this episode, I loved the fact that the first half of it was Barry telling Felicity what went wrong. She didn’t end up being much help to him beyond a listening ear. I’ll also have loved to see a few more things off about Arrow’s timeline, much more than John Diggle having a son instead of a daughter. I love crossovers between Arrow and The Flash, and will want to see a little more of it on the TV Shows.

Paradox was a great episode on The Flash Season 3. The episode was a little heavy on the melodrama, but much of the drama was resolved.

Felton also played an excellent role as Julian Albert. It was great seeing him doing something different from his role as Draco in Harry Potter. He pulled off the role maturely, and also delivered the rather dry and subtle sarcasm of Julian Albert very well.

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